WINTER PIX...........#Some people enjoy travelling in other countries during winter season because they want to witness the snow and heavy fog in the snowing countries like China, Japan, Korea and in European countries. There is winter in Middle East but only few countries have snow like Jordan, Syria and Lebanon and the rest just cold weather........:)RDM
Winter Pose in the Flat.......#Posing in the flat before going out for indipix and group pix with thick fog in the mountain top in Gharyan.........:)RDM
On Foggy Road.......#Our group was going to the mountain top to pose with more fog and nicer winter view.........:)RDM
Single Winter Pix..........#A single winter pose on the road going up the stone mountain in Gharyan, Libya.........:)RDM
Dou Winter Shot..........#I was with Tofee, a Filipino Muslim who works as Document Controller in the construction company........:)RDM
Group Pix with Fog..........#The group is enjoying winter shots in the mountain. It is an exciting experience of the group to pose outside with mountain fog. ......:)RDM
Winter Pose with Arabic Marker.........#Other happy winter moment of the group. Common pose of the group with mountain fog in Gharyan..........:)RDM
Going Down Pose........#The group was going down from the mountain top after having winter fog shots..........:)RDM