KARAOKE SINGING...............#The weekend jamming of the OFW's is not complete without karaoke singing. Karaoke singing is a bonding moment of Pinoys abroad every time they have occasion to celebrate. Of course, it is done with drinking Pinoy made wine called "sadiki' in Arab countries...........:)RDM
TMC Flat Singing........Karaoke singing can be done even in small flat as long as it is well-closed to prevent the sound be heard outside. Like in the Philippines, there is TV set, WOW or EXREME magic sing and speakers............:)RDM
Farm House..............#It was in Kremia farm, the best place to have karaoke singing because it is far from Libyan neighborhood. Browsing the songbook to find the song number......:.....:)RDM
My Favorite Songs.......#I was singing "One Friend, I Know, Father and Son, Dance with My Father, She Makes Me Feel, Feelings, Beautiful in My Eyes, Sway and The Way You Look at Me"......:)RDM
Mic to Other Pinoys............#It was a fun moment with other Pinoys because there was no monopoly of mic or single singing. The mic is shared with others........:)RDM