COFFEE ON WINTER.........#Drinking coffee of the expats in Tripoli is a relaxing time killing outdoor activities. Hot coffee keeps the body warm during winter season that is why many people stay in the coffee shop before bedtime.........:)RDM Coffee Time.........#With our Libyan friend, we tried to spend the night in drinking coffee at the famous Libyan coffee shop in Tripoli...........:)RDM Coffee with Pinoys........#Sometimes, all Pinoys in visiting famous coffee shop in Tripoli......:)RDM Mexican Coffee.......#This time we were in group, Pinoys and Libyans in the Mexican coffee shop in Gargaresh, Tripoli........:)RDM In Turkish Coffee Shop.............#In Libya, Turlkish coffee shop is one of the popular place to spend the time with friends. In Arabic coffee is "Gawah".......:)RDM in Egyptian Coffee Shop.........#Egyptian coffee shop is also popular place to meet friends for non-official business. The Arab people always drink co...