THE TRIPOLI PORT.......#The Tripoli Port is a part of Mediterranean Sea.. The Libyan sea is a part of the famous Mediterranean Sea. This sea was even mentioned in the ancient trading of the early people.....:)RDM
WITH IRAQI FRIENDS........#Posing with our Iraqi friends in Tripoli Port at Mediterranean Sea.....:)RDM
PORT ENTRANCE.........#The gate of the port is facing the commercial center in Tripoli......:)RDM
TAJORA SHORE AT MEDITERRANEAN SEA.......# Exploring the historic Mediterranean Sea with my friends at Tajora, Tripoli. Beyond Mediterranean Sea is the fascinating Greece and Italy.......:)RDM
RUINS AT THE SHORE.......#We were at the shore trying to see the remains of the demolished buildings for coastal roads widening in Tajora, Tripoli. The building collapsed when the road widening started in 2000 spearheaded by EACOM Libya......:)RDM